CrossPoint Church
Pursuing God through the Great Commandments, the Great Commission and Great Compassion
as Community... as Messenger... as Servant...
Matthew 22:37-40 "Love God, Love Your Neighbor" Matthew 28:19-20 "Disciple the Nations" Matthew 25:34-41 "Serve the 'least of these' for the King"
a place to belong...
a place to believe...
a place to become...
...a family
...a foundation
...a future
WE DO MEET In-House and In-Person...
We Gather as our Lord has told us to do. His church is essential...for one another, and for the world as it holds out the truth, hope, meaning, purpose, prayer, and life found only in Jesus. Faith conquers fear. God rules our faith and practice.
Worship is who we are at core, no matter what. Jesus first, Jesus only, Jesus always. We are open to serve the real spiritual, emotional, and personal needs of our community in Jesus' Name.We continue to offer Live Feed of the service on Sunday morning.
It's now closing Summer! Join The Gathering as we choose to honor our God who transcends all earthly hoopla...and Who is the source of all good change. ...10:30AM is your time to make Time and take Time to Gather and Grow!
Sunday Advent 3 at 10:30 am...is on the way. Get ready to Come and Adore HIM! We sing the Season...and mine the depths of the Season's Why? " Perfect Performing"...part 3 of CHRISTMAS AGENDA. Join us.... Love HIM.
Remember to pray for each other...and check on each other. Call. Email. Facetime.
Here is the Link to Sunday morning's Facebook video:
If you are still at home, go to our Facebook LIVE FEED Page Sunday Morning. let us know you are there!

Worship Times
Sunday Worship
10:30 AM @ 315 W. Washington, Belding
Wednesday Prayer Gathering
6:30 pm @ 315 W. Washington, Belding

Join us
CrossPoint is a fresh gathering of people from the area joining faith and vision together seeking to glorify God through the teaching of His word, through heartfelt worship, and by reaching out to and connecting the unchurched and dechurched with opportunities to live lives of real purpose and significance, serving God and their neighbors as a local community of faith.
Our Purpose
We seek to represent the reign of God as Community, Servant and Messenger, growing as a healing, redemptive, missional fellowship committed to the worship of the Living God, sharing the good news of Christ with unbelievers, and connecting believers to the body with a godly world view in the time and culture they live.